My little-big brother Taylor graduated... so weird. The best part of that evening would have been when 5 senior boys let mice loose from hidden tennis ball containers duct taped to their legs. Caused quite a commotion, and if anyone out there in the void had Mr Eddington as a principal, you all know that if he is speaking and anyone in the audience is making any kind of noise, he will wait until it's quiet again. So THAT was fun... Made the 3 hour ceremony a bit longer, but it was quite worth it. :) Unfortunately, my photos were so zoomed in to get Taylor that they came out blurry. I should be getting a few from my Dad here soon so I'll post them when I do. But I did get a few of us at Sonic after eating ice cream... at 1030 at night...
There are a few photos on here from a Father's Day activity my sisters Achievement Days group did. It was on a Monday night, so I went up to Brigham to watch the Bachelorette (IS ANYONE WATCHING THIS??? DOES ANYONE ELSE THINK IT WILL BE ED???) with my Mom. It was so fun. I got a few pictures of a shaving contest they did. My Dad had to go back to work shorty before this contest, so Ethan stood in. What a brave soul. They were covered in a trash bag, then the girls put "shaving cream" (whipped cream) and used a "razor" (popsicle stick) to see who could shave their Dad the fastest. One dad had a full on beard... poor guy. haha.

I've also got a few pictures on here from a car show we went to with Matt's parents, Ash, Dave, Steve, Sharifa and little Ethan. On this little outing we discovered that Easy E can "crunk it" as we walked past a tattoo parlor that had rap music playing. It was the cutest and most hilarious thing I have ever seen. I don't think the pictures I have do it justice. 
Ethan loves my sunglasses for some reason. Crunk It!
It was Matt's 23rd birthday a few weeks ago, and we were both lucky enough to get the day off. It was nice to have a day off that wasn't Sunday! We planned to go golfing, go to lunch, then swim and I'd make one of his favorites for dinner... lasagna. (In 95 degree weather.) Unfortunately, we got rained out so swimming and golf didn't exactly work out. But we had the day to shop, watch movies, and just do whatever we wanted. It was a nice change of pace, and I think he had a great day. Thanks to everyone who thought of him, sent presents and wished him Happy Birthday. This is a photo of Matt playing on the Les Schwab Softball team. Probably his favorite part of working there.
Anywho... as far as an update on us goes... we are looking into buying a condo in the North Ogden area. There are just too many killer deals right now, and we know we'll be here while Matt does school, so it seemed like a no brainer. Matt has applied for school and we're waiting to hear back from them. We're also waiting on the VA to tell us when we're good to go with the GI Bill. Meanwhile... the semester's coming up. So. Hopefully Matt can start this September. We're getting anxious and very tired of waiting. Speaking of waiting... the new opening song on our blog came from one of the best, saddest episodes of Greys Anatomy. Is anyone else as obsessed as we are? We are ANXIOUSLY waiting for Season 5 to come out so we can get it on Neflix ASAP. We are a bit obsessed, I will admit. Also, we have officially began finding Rufus a new home. We have asked everyone we can think of, but have resorted to posting photos on different websites to find him a home instead. We're sad we have to let him go, but it's time. But other than that, things have been great. A bit stressful, but great. We were called to be in the Nursery and so far that has been an adventure but I love it. I attempted counting, but they run so fast! I got somewhere right around 20 kids. So that should be fun. Well, I hope all is well with all of you!