Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring has Sprung! ...Finally!

Spring has finally sprung around these parts. And we are so glad! We've already spent quite a bit of time out enjoying what sun we've received by riding bikes, going out with the jogging stroller, and we've even been lucky enough to attend our first Bees game of the season.
Beckett now sleeps with this bat at night.
I was so glad when the weather finally turned - it really gave me a burst of energy this year, and I've been working on so many projects around our house. I've re-done our bedroom (with all the fun things I bought clear back in September but haven't had time to get the painting and other work done), re-painted the accent wall in our living room, re-painted the bench out front so it went from this to this!! LOVE IT!!!! Plus back in January I got a sewing machine, which I have wanted for a long time, and I have basically gone to town with that thing. I'm not too great so far, but I'm getting the hang of it (and annoying Matt in the process by how proud of myself I am with each project I finish, haha) and I'm hoping I can put this new skill (if you can call it that) to work for the form of adorable things I have found on pinterest... Here is my first pinterest project with the sewing machine so far ...

and I'm only just getting started.
Yarn-wrapped monogram (in reverse, because our monogram reads "PMS" the other way. hahaha. And because that's what side of the bed we both sleep on, so why not.

My fave new bedroom item. an owl candle warmer
And an attempt at showing the gray paint color, but it is a little darker than this.
Painted vases. Do I spend too much time on Pinterest? maybe.
And of course, no post would be complete without some pictures of my cute kiddo...s...

Easter suit

 My other kiddo (just kidding, Matt) - riding a mini bike and making us all laugh at his parents' house on Easter. Silly guy.