Sorry I have been so MIA. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been two months since I last posted. Let me grab a ruler, and we’ll let the wrist slapping begin. So much has happened the last few months, and at the same time, things are still pretty much the same here.
Matt is still working his hiney off at school, and on the job hunt. He has received quite a few call backs, and gone in to interview for several jobs. We are hopeful that something will come through for him soon, and are confident that we are close to crossing over this hump. While it is a bummer for him to be out of work, there are (at least) three big positives about this situation. 1. You should see how clean my house is, and how often Matt will at least start dinner for me because he is so bored. 2. His grades are Fab. I think they are all at least upper B’s, and one A? Let me know if I am leading people astray here, Matt. But I think that’s what he told me. And 3. I get to see the hubbs a ton more. We have lunch together every day and get to spend more time together at night because he is home instead of working late. So in the mean time while Matt job hunts, I am trying hard to enjoy our time together and all he gets done for me, more than freaking out because he is not working.
I finished my class a few weeks ago, with a 94%. Booya! Sorry, is that kind of gloating of me? I am a little proud of it, so maybe it’s a little braggy. But I am happy to be done for a minute. Depending on Matt’s work situation and a few other things, I would like to go back to finish up my Associates this summer, or in the fall if that doesn’t work out. Since I did tons of school while Matt was deployed, I am thinking I shouldn’t have too much left. But I will be meeting with a counselor soon to see if that is the case or not. I also finished up working at my second job. Hooray!! Such a relief to me. I enjoyed finishing up my project, and I was grateful for the extra cash, but I was running on empty for a while there. I still feel like I am playing catch up to all the time I was in my own little world, but I am slowing getting caught up. I think.
Anywho, here are some pics of what we’ve been up to lately...
This is what happens when you try to impress your friends on your mountain bike. ahahaha. oh I love you dear.
And these... are pictures of the cutest, proudest Uncle of all time. Congrats Steve and Sharifa! Daisy is a doll. We can't wait to get to know our new niece better!