I have had a few more appointments since I posted last, (I think 3?) but since the little guy hasn't been ultra cooperative, I don't have any more cute pics to share. However, from our appointment this past week, I can tell you: a, the little guy weighs just over 4 pounds b, he is about 17 inches long (long and skinny - just like his dad!) and c, he has all 10 fingers and toes. The only pictures we've gotten lately are of his hands and feet on the ultrasound a few weeks ago, and a few of his heart and spine from our most recent ultrasound, but that is a.o.k. with me since we found out everything is still looking great, and he's growing like he should.
I can't believe we are finally coming into the last stretch of pregnancy! When I first got pregnant I kept telling myself "We have loads of time! Once we hit 30 weeks - then we're allowed to panic." What the heck was I thinking??? 30 weeks has come and gone (I'm just over 32 now) and I feel like I am left in the dust. Time has flown/dragged by at a weird speed and now I'm just trying to convince myself we're ready for this little kidlet to be born.
Even though I don't have a new picture, the ones we do have are just too cute not to share again, haha.

I'm not biased at all, right? Well it beats pictures of me and my flab any day. But I will have a new post with a few of those soon. Matt has been documenting my ever expanding belly for me, and I was even able to talk him in to getting some maternity photos/family photos before the baby's born last week. I'm just waiting for the proofs now, and I literally cannot wait to get them back! It's all I've been talking about. Our photographer, Amber (the same one who did our wedding, bridals, family photos, everything so I've probably talked about her before) is so talented, and she really took her time. I cannot wait to see what she came away with. Plus it was nice to feel cute for an hour or two!
Anywho - life sure has been crazy around here the last little while, but we can't wait for it to get even crazier once the little guy comes! I promise to post more soon!