Monday, August 29, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

It has been an exciting and hectic few weeks around our house. Beckett has experienced his first (and second) baseball games, his first swim in the pool, and his first go around with rice cereal all in the last little while. He has also learned some new tricks recently, such as talking -nonstop-, scooting on his stomach and on his back, holding his head up on his own, and he has mastered the art of flirting with all the neighborhood ladies. So it has been a pretty fun time around here to say the least. Here are a few pictures of our recent adventures...
As you can see, we've been having lots of fun around here, but this post would not be complete without mentioning mine and Beckett's all-time favorite silly Dad. He works so hard for our little family, and I'm so happy Beckett and I got so lucky. We both love you to death Matt. You are a great Dad to our crazy kiddo.