I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old already! He is growing and changing so much lately, it seems like he's learning something new every day. Just after he turned 5 months, he figured out how to roll over, and ever since then there has been a landslide of new things he's learned! He can hold his own bottle, stand for a long time if you hold his fingers, take out his binky and put it back in, move a toy from one hand to the other, and work to get something he wants that's out of reach. He is getting so close to crawling! He scoots and rolls everywhere. Some of the shenanagins he's gotten himself into so far have been pretty funny. I can't wait until he's really mobile... or maybe I can. We've also started feeding him solids. Yay! So far he's only had rice cereal and sweet potatoes since we just started, but he is loving it so far. He makes me laugh so much and he's definitely getting good at keeping me on my toes!

1 Day Old

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months