Well, so much for my goal of updating the blog once a month! But hey, you can't say you're surprised given my recent track record, right? Since it's been so long, this post is likely going to be HUGE, and probably full of pictures. Sorry if that's disappointing :)
The past few months have been great ones for us. BUSY to say the least, but awesome.
We got to spend Christmas with some of our favorite peeps; almost all of Beckett's cousins! It was such a blast. It was also the first year that Beckett was really old enough to start to grasp what was going on, so it was really fun to open presents Christmas morning and see him so excited.
We also got Beckett's help announcing that he is going to be a big brother this September! We are still trying to teach him what that means, but given his age and the fact he's been a spoiled only child for so long, I'm sure we're going to be in for a bit of a shock this fall. That being said, I think he's going to be a great big brother. He loves babies and is always trying to be my helper, so I'm crossing my fingers the transition goes as smoothly as possible. We are all very excited about this change in our future.
Beckett holding an ultrasound photo to tell everyone our news
Last Sunday, at 19 weeks
In the meantime, we are really trying to enjoy our time as a family of three before our world gets shaken up a bit. We have been trying to enjoy as much time with Daddy as we can since he's had such a busy work schedule since Christmastime, but lots of times, it's just me and my silly best buddy and that's okay for now. Even though Matt's work schedule is crazy, he works 12 hours shifts, so thankfully it can't be crazy every day of the week. This way, even though a lot of the time his days off are during the day when I am working, he gets to spend at least 1 or 2 whole days during the week with Beckett, and he's home when I get there from work. Even though work has been crazy for Matt, it has been a little bit by choice, since he has had an opportunity to work some shifts doing things he enjoys, like once with the patrol department out on DUI checkpoint for St. Patrick's day weekend where he had WAY too much fun, and working in the Courts transporting people to hearings. He has also recently finished his EMT certification course, and we're just waiting on him to complete his written test next week to be certified. It has taken up a lot of his time since January (4 hour classes twice a week), but we are really glad he will have the certification, which we think will make him a more marketable candidate to be considered for a patrol position, and he is hoping that happens sometime soon. He also continues to kick butt every time he has to qualify with his firearm. We are really proud of him.

Beckett is becoming more and more like his dad every day. I had to take this picture because of how he's standing. Just like his pops.
Beckett has mastered his silly face thanks to the Mercer Meyer book "New Baby", where big brother tries to cheer up his crying baby sister by making his "silliest face ever". He loves that, and I'm sure we'll be seeing it more as the new baby comes.
Beckett is my breakfast buddy. Matt's not usually a huge fan of a big breakfast, but me and Beckett totally are. And with Moore's so close and so tasty, we love to go split a breakfast once in a while when Matt is working the weekend anyway. He usually sits pretty well while we wait (it helps that they're so speedy), but if we sit in a corner and they forget about us for a while, I *might* be that mom that lets her kid eat strawberry jelly packets to keep quiet.
Since it's finally starting to warm up around these parts, we've been enjoying some time outside. After carefully drawing this, Beckett was ecstatic and said to me "Look, my chicken!" Every time I look at it, I crack up.
We went through a phase a few weeks ago where Beckett wanted to pick what he wore. And these are the two best outfits he chose. I thought it was hilarious, but I also admit that I tried to avoid going anywhere these days, haha. And I am glad it's over.
Beckett and Daddy giving me a heart attack during bath time before bed. Beckett loves to take . I popped my head in there to see if they were about done, and this is what I saw.
"Painting" Daddy a picture during conference. He is loving the felt posters that you can paint with water

I loved watching conference with Beckett this spring. It was a weekend Matt had to work unfortunately, and I was afraid we'd have a hard time sticking to conference since he'd much rather watch "da minions" or something, but we did pretty well and I was impressed at how much we were able to not only watch but that I was able to really absorb, even while watching with my crazy 3 year old. We would tune in a little while before conference was set to be starting so we could listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which he absolutely loved, and really set the tone. During the speakers' talks, he would play quietly (for him) and every time the Choir would sing again, he'd ask me "The people singin again?" and reverently plant himself just like this until they were done. It just reminded me how grateful I am for music and the way it touches your soul and can communicate things to even my hyper little boy that he wouldn't understand otherwise.

We have also had a fun time celebrating Easter, and of course.... Beckett's third birthday!
This year we made an event out of Beckett's birthday weekend since Matt would be off, and to celebrate the end of Matt's EMT class. It was such a long weekend full of Beckett-ness I’ve been calling it our “Beckettpalooza”. Maybe we are trying a bit too hard to give him extra love before the baby comes, but hey, what can ya do. Friday at Beckett's daycare, the day was all about Beckett. He was sung to multiple times, and they made blue cookies in his honor; Rachael really is the best. We love her. That night, Matt was scheduled to take his EMT practical down in Salt Lake, which we thought would only take an hour. (What we didn't know was that his name was literally next to last on the list to be tested, so he wasn't finished until almost 10 pm) So, we decided to stay the night in Salt Lake since we hadn't done that in a while (and here soon won't be able to do it again for a bit), then go to the aquarium on Saturday. It was really fun.

Even though Matt ended up being much later than we planned for, Beckett and I occupied ourselves by swimming at the hotel and then we were just about ready to pass out when he was back. Plus, after holding our over-excited kiddo and swimming with him for almost an hour and a half, I was fully prepared to eat a tasty philly cheese steak sandwich during our travels Saturday and not feel the least bit sorry for it.
Beckett loved the otters, penguins, and the tank with all the Dorys and Nemos swimming together. He also had fun being a daredevil and climbing the jungle net in the amazon section, which they had NO chance of getting me on.
Since we have a wee bit of a Ninja Turtle obsession right now, we decided to have a Ninja Turtles birthday party. Beckett was in heaven. He was so incredibly spoiled by his Grandmas and Grandpas, and Aunts and Uncles this year. Thanks again to everyone who helped make our little man's special day (weekend) awesome.
We hope you are all doing great! And I promise to post again soon, since we should know for sure if we are having a girl or boy in the next two weeks.