Hello All. We arrived in Utah on Sunday night and were suprised to find snow on the ground. Luckily now it has mostly all melted and there's only a little left on the mountains. It was a long drive but now that we're here it's nice to see everyone and to make plans for tonight rather than for months in advance. If that makes sense. Anywho. We're staying with Matt's parents for now, until we can find jobs and a new place. Here are a few pictures for you....

I guess watching us clean our apartment for the final walk through really wore Rufus out...

I was worried about how we would get Rufus home since neither of us can listen to him whine so he always gets let out in the car. But he rode with me and slept like this pretty much the whole way.

Matt bundling up to go outside
I had no idea you were moving to UT. I guess I'm behind the curve. Welcome back!
I LOOOOOOVE RUFUS. I still insist he should have his own show.
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