Sunday, November 2, 2008


This week, a lot has happened. Sierra started a new job with a company called StaffMedic in Ogden, and she's LOVING it so far. Also this week, we signed on an apartment that we both LOVE. So it's been a good week for us. We'll have to add some pictures of our new place here soon, but we don't have any for you all yet. We'll have to get on that. Also, TOMORROW WE'RE GOING TO METALLICA! YAY! We're a bit excited about that, too. Anywho. Sorry it's a short post, but I do have some fun pictures of pumpkin carving to make up for it. Have a great week everyone!

Matthew and our adorable nephew Ethan the sock monkey

Matt sticking his tongue out in concentration

My Pirate Pumpkin


Mattt's Dracula Pumpkin

1 comment:

Audrey Seymour said...

Wow those are cool pumpkins