Matt is working. YAY!!! It has been a long 4 1/2 months, let me tell you. But it was definitely worth the wait for his job. He starts probably this coming Monday -as soon as he gets his license- at a pest control company here in Ogden. He loves the people he is going to work with, and is excited to be out working again. They will work around his school schedule, and he thinks the work will be fun. Things could not have worked out better for us there. I am so excited for him that he will be working somewhere that will work with our crazy schedule, and that he will be working with some great people. Plus another perk is that this isn't the kind of thing where he'll be stressed out when he gets home. He can go to work, do his thing, and not bring it home with him. That will be nice, since he's going to try and crank out all of his school as fast as he can. Congrats babe! Now if only I could get back into the habit of doing the dishes and laundry you've been taking care of for me lately, we'd be in business. haha. I have been spoiled.
Matt finishes up his classes this week. So far, it looks like they're all A's. (Sorry, just had to brag him up for a minute.) But what a great way to start off your school, huh? One semester down, only about 7 more to go! haha. Matt has decided to go to school all year round so he can get in 3 semesters a year instead of 2, and I think it is a great idea. We will do this for as long as he can without getting burnt out, but if he does he'll be ahead anyway, so taking a semester off or going easy one semester won't hurt him and he won't be dragging school out forever. And I think we both like the way that sounds.
I think most everyone knows this already, but we sold Matt's truck about 3 weeks back. Matt has been mourning the loss, but I definitely have not. I loved the truck, but not the gas mileage. He decided to trade the truck (yeah, I know no one believes that, but it's true) for a speedy little Altima with better mpg. Hooray for no more car payments! We are excited for a change of pace. Plus a back seat will be nice, so Matt can fit more than just one passenger now. We are excited. Now if we could just talk ourselves into replacing my hunk of junk.... but it's just too hard to convince ourselves to replace it since it just won't die already. 374,000 miles and no end in sight. Just die already car! Matt's shiny car has made me envious!
And of course, a picture of cute little Daisy. So presh!
Hurray! I love it when you post! Congrats to Matt! :D
Yay for a new job and good grades!!! Great to hear all the good news. We miss you guys. Hurry up and finish school so you can move here!
Congrats on the JOB and the new car!!! We are so happy for you guys! I think you guys will enjoy that car. Dave's sister has one just like it and they love it and it has been a great reliable car!
ah ah ah no more truck, huh? :)
Yay for the job! We're so excited for you matt! And the grades too. Keep it going! You guys are awesome, keep posting we love to read them!
It looks like a great car and we are so very happy for the new job! The A's are a plus, it is a great idea to go all year long 'cause you can get done faster!!! It was great to see you.
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