Well folks, for those of you who do not know, the mystery of the great bambino has been solved. It's a boy! Our regular ultrasound photo does not scan so clear, so I will for sure post some pictures from our targeted ultrasound, which is coming up on January 3. We can't wait to get an even more clear picture of our little guy and his facial features (even though it already looks as if he may have the Phillip's nose), and to take a look at him to make sure everything is developing correctly. So far from the ultrasounds we have learned that this kiddo has come good dance moves, and loves to stand on his head.

I have to admit we are still a bit shocked and trying to wrap our minds around the idea of having a boy. At our last appointment, the Dr thought it was a girl, which is what both of us had thought all along, so now to hear that it is a boy for sure we are totally lost for names. haha. Poor little guy probably doesn't want to be named Olivia. But we'll figure it out! We already have a few ideas, and I bought a few baby name books for entertainment on our long drive this upcoming weekend.
One thing's for sure, and that is that Matt can't wait to have a little buddy around the house. In fact, here is our first purchase after our appointment:

Matt picked this out at Gymboree. Isn't it adorable?? We bought it in the 3-6 mo size, and with all the plaid Matt is loving to wear these days, I just cannot wait to see my two plaid-claid boys together. Guess that's kinda corny, but still true nonetheless.
Hope all of you are doing great and enjoying the Christmas season! We sure enjoyed our surprise gift, and we can't wait to get back from our trip and start decorating/painting/going crazy in the man cave.
That was exciting news for sure! Congrats on the little boy! Boys are great!! They are a handfull, but they are so much fun! Can't wait to meet the little man!
Love Johnson's
P.S I think that shirt is way cute! I love it when Daddy and Son match. It is so cute and makes for really good photos!!!
Yay for another boy! I suck at responding to e-mail but hopefully will get something to you before you leave on your trip. Can't wait to see you guys soon- it will be the highlight of our Christmas!!!
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