We decided to venture up to Island Park with my parents and the camping bunch for the 4th of July holiday this year. It's something they do every year, but we've never gone with them and for some reason we were crazy enough to agree to take our 2 month old along and go up for the first time. And we're sure glad we did! Beckett decided to put himself on a schedule
literally the day before we left. I was so worried about him keeping everyone up at night, especially since we were staying in my parents' trailer with my parents and 2 siblings, but it ended up working out amazingly! Beckett was an absolute angel for the trip, and I'm sure he loved all the attention from his Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle and Aunt, and anyone else who could get their hands on him haha. Here are a few pics from our travels:

My Mom had the genius idea to get a pack and play before the trip. This is where Beckett slept at night and played during the day during the brief intervals he was not being held and adored haha. As you can see, the mobile was a success.

Beckett and Grandpa - I love this picture! He's so conked out.

My Boys - yes this shirt was a purchase meant for Yellowstone. It was worth it. So cute!

Like I said, Beckett was an angel for our trip. Even the day we drove through Yellowstone all day, he mostly did this.

Matt's parents took us to dinner for his birthday, and our waiter made Matt wear this lovely sombrero while he enjoyed his free dessert. It was hi-larious.