Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blessing week

This is us on Beckett's blessing day. I found the cutest matching ties for Matt and Beckett, and I love how the pictures turned out. I wish I would have gotten a few of just Beckett, and a few of just him and his Dad, but it was cold out, and Beckett had had enough of the picture taking. Matt gave him a great blessing though, and it was such a special day. Even though there was craziness surrounding the lunch for 50 people at our tiny house, I think it's a day we'll both remember forever.

During the days after Beckett's blessing, we were lucky enough to hang out with some of Beckett's ourt of state cousins. We went swimming and had a BBQ for Sadie's b-day, and we had a great time catching up and spending time with all of Matt's siblings together. Matt and Sadie at the pool. I hope the kiddos had as much fun with Matt as he had playing with them!
I wish I had gotten a better picture of Beckett's suit! Obviously he didn't get in the water, actually he slept through the whole outing, but his little froggy full body swim suit was the best!

Matt and a few of the other kids at the BBQ. I thought I got a picture with Beckett and his cousin Jackson, but I guess not.

Beckett and his Grandpa Phillips chillin at the BBQ

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