Sun, Babies and Rowdy Cats
Oh man is it getting hot outside. It 's been nice to go down to the beach on Saturdays when it gets too hot, but it's starting to get to where that's too warm too and all we want to do on the weekends is be where there is air conditioning, which with us, usually means seeing a movie. Anyone out there seen the new hulk yet? Still no luck in the job department. I've been to a few interviews, and I'm still sending out my resume to everywhere I see a posting for. Just gotta be patient and cross my fingers I guess. My visiting teacher has been so great. She has invited Matt and I to a few get togethers with a bunch of people from the ward and tomorrow night we are having a bonfire down at the harbor in oceanside. She came by to visit me earlier this week and invited me to a park outing with some of the moms from our ward. It was nice to be invited but I thought I'd end up leaving early, you know, since I have no kids! and I thought it might be awkward to hang out with all these women that are all talking about there kids while I'm sitting there feeling more like a kid than one of their friends. But I was wrong. I got to play with babies and hold babies and feed babies and everything babies. What a fun day. We sat in the shade while all the older kids played on the playground and I made pretty good friends with a 10 month old. It really was a fun day. I definitely didn't end up leaving early, I was one of the last people there. I really was sad to leave. Anywho... turns out our cat is not a fan of the heat either. He will do anything to cool off. Including jumping into the cool water left in the tub after one of us takes a shower. He especially likes to hide in the dishwasher. And last night, my clumsy self spilled a cup of water on the carpet. Rufus came down to lay on the puddle and Matt thought it would be funny to use the cat to mop it up. Ha ha. Never laughed so hard in my life. The cat actually liked it, and rolled around in the water even after Matt stopped harrassing him. Anywho, guess that's enough rambling for now. Hope everyone's staying cool! 
The picture's kind of dark, so I'm not sure if you can see, but there's a puddle under there....
Sounds like one of our typical days at the park. We wish you were closer so you could spend some baby time with us. The cat pics are hillarious!
I love the cat in the dishwasher! OMG that is so hilarious (GYPSY! remember?)
Hope you'll get a job soon. I guess you should try opening a daycare! :)
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