We decided since it was our first anniversary, we would stay in the same hotel we stayed at for our Honeymoon, eat in at least one of the same restaurants, and take a walk around Temple Square where we got engaged. (Well, officially anyway. haha) So Saturday night when Matt got off work the plan was to head down and stay at the Radisson, sip some bubbly -non alcoholic of course : ) - and spend the next day on the town.
Well the only problem with this plan was that Friday I got sick, I guess with what you could call the flu. And oh man was I sick. I couldn’t keep anything down, I couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t get comfortable. It was looking like this stupid flu was going to ruin our weekend, but luckily Matt was very patient with me. He got home Friday after work and brought me enough 7up, Pepto-Bismol, and bananas for a whole army of “sickies” (his loving pet name for me) Luckily I was feeling well enough Saturday night to be able to go spend the night in Salt Lake and have a great time. We still ended up coming home early Sunday afternoon, but Matt didn’t seem to mind. It just goes to show me how lucky I am to have Matt as my hubby.
The 3 things I love most about him are:
His patience
His sense of humor
How much he cares for me
And he definitely proved these things over and over again this weekend. What a guy.
Love you Matt!
Now here are a bunch of mushy pictures for you all : )
(Beware: Contents may include kissing and other mushy behavior!)