You know this boogie is for real! Oh Napoleon... You have such a primo boogie technique.
Well folks, I know am sucking on the blogging front, but it has been a bit chaotic for us this last little while. We close on our house in 8 days. YAHOOOOO!!! We are both so excited for that. I have been a little nervous about this, because it would be just my luck to get all the way to the end of our closing period and then something awful happens. Like "The Government will not let you buy a house. EVER!" A little dramatic, I know. But I am who I am. :)
Also, I am so excited to announce that I have a part time job for the Christmas season in addition to my work already. Since I work in a landscape office things become a bit scarce in the winter time. My boss has offered to keep me a few days a week when it's slow (which I am grateful for), and now I'll be working the other days of the work week plus Saturdays at Hallmark. I am so excited! I worked in the Hallmark in Brigham for the Christmas season before Matt and I were married and I LOVED it. So I am absolutely thrilled to be working there again this winter. Especially since we will have a mortgage... weird.
Anywho.... I have a ton of pictures leftover from our fun and crazy summer that I need to post on here, but it's time for Matt's softball game, so I'll handle that later.
Wow this song put me in a good/dorky mood. Off to boogie... Later All!
PS - Just try to not rock out.... I dare you!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
These are a few of my favorite things....
That song is not one of my favorite things. But this one is! Isn't it the best? -The best ode to music ever, and so fun.
Vanilla Silk. All the tasty goodness and no lactose intolerance! Yum!
Fall!! Fall equals cooler temps and crisp nights!! HOORAY FOR FALL!!!! I'd love to spend some time back East during the fall, like New York or Vermont. Maybe next year. haha. Plus that means Halloween is coming up!
This Blog: Just go there, you know you want to. I don't know her or anything, in fact I don't remember how I came across her blog now... wow I sound like a creep! But regardless of that, she is hilarious.

Camping. We got to spend some more time with the camping bunch over Labor Day weekend, and we had such a great time. Even though I got sick over night, which sparked everyone asking if we were pregnant. Don't you read my blog people??? Anyway, we still had a really great time. As you can see :)
The Nightside Project on KSL. Love these guys! Does it make me officially old if I enjoy listening to talk radio?....

All things Home Decor. hahaha. I think I am bugging Matt to death seeing as we're weeks away from getting into our house. (Did I already put on here that we close Oct 7 on our condo? If we didn't, there you go! haha.) The way I figure it, is it's better to buy all these things slowly over time so we're not forking out all this money at once, right? -Even if we are running out of room... haha. Maybe Matt does have a point.

My fab hubby, friends and fam. Thanks for putting up with me! You guys are the best!
Hmmm. What else do I love right now? That seems to be all I can think of for the moment...
Hmmm. What else do I love right now? That seems to be all I can think of for the moment...
But if I ponder up some more you'll be the first to know!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
What a Crazy Life
Our house hunting is coming along quite nicely, and soon we'll be into the condo of our dreams. hahaha how dorky was that? At any rate, we're both really excited to be owners instead of renters and to finally have our own space free of crazy mail stealing-too much beer drinking and Seth Rogen quoting neighbors- I'll keep you all updated on how that is coming... (the house hunting not the beer drinking...haha)
Also, I have a Public Service Annoucement for the universe that I'm just going to put out there - To spur the oncoming bombardment of "are you pregnant?" inquiries, NO I am not. In fact, I am now on a diet. So anyone who sticks a cheeseburger in my face better be prepared for a knuckle sandwich in return! And anyone who continues to ask me if I'm pregnant better be prepared for worse. Okay maybe that's extreme, but seriously people. And now that I've stated it in a public post, I consider that fair warning. No I am not pregnant. STOP asking. I'll let you know when that happy day comes, but it's not now. Mean enough? :)
On to happier things... Matt got word that he may still have a job up at Hill AFB, so we're holding our breath for that again, but we're just hoping something comes of it this time. Only we found out that training for this position starts in October, and its either 4 or 6 weeks long I can't remember which. And it's in Texas. SO.... the person who told Matt he may still have a place there was confident enough that Matt will get that job that he told us to hold off on school one more semester so he will be available for training. Hoping that's a good sign and doesn't mean we put off waiting for no reason? But we'll just keep on holding our breath!
Matt also got order papers from the USMC last month. I think by now everyone knows that... guess if they don't I'll hear about it haha. But anyway, they are Orders to Muster so he has to go down to Camp Williams in 2 weeks to check in. They want to see him in person, make sure he's still deployable blah blah blah all that fun stuff. We had a little scare there for a minute because we heard that Muster Orders in a TOW meant that you were probably going to get Orders to Report shortly after. But, we were corrected and heard that it can mean that, but probably doesn't and it's mostly just the Military's way of gently reminding you that they own us for the next 3 years 10 months and 20 some odd days.(You bet your government issued boots I'm counting down!) So, long story short, nothing to worry about. But since it's so far South maybe I can talk Matt into another trip to Ikea...? Probably not though :)
Anywho, right after I typed this yesterday I got a call from Matt with some awesome news! The USMC has given word to all IRR (Inactive Ready Reserves) that they will no longer get called back up because they've had so many guys enlist, and a ton re-enlist due to the economy so they are way over their normal numbers. This is good news for us! We are FREEEEEEEEE!! Made my day if you couldn't tell. More like my year....
Matt and I have been spending a lot of time with some of my old friends from high school lately. My 4 best friends were guys, and I always wondered how things would turn out after I got married and they started coming home from their missions, especially since they're all still single. In the last few months we have gone on quite a few group dates, and they have really embraced Matt and welcomed him into this tight group of friends. And I know Matt likes spending time with them as well. It sounds corny I guess, but just want to express out into the void how thankful I am for them becoming friends, too.

Matt, Me, Stacey, Al, Leeser, Brady
Also, I have a Public Service Annoucement for the universe that I'm just going to put out there - To spur the oncoming bombardment of "are you pregnant?" inquiries, NO I am not. In fact, I am now on a diet. So anyone who sticks a cheeseburger in my face better be prepared for a knuckle sandwich in return! And anyone who continues to ask me if I'm pregnant better be prepared for worse. Okay maybe that's extreme, but seriously people. And now that I've stated it in a public post, I consider that fair warning. No I am not pregnant. STOP asking. I'll let you know when that happy day comes, but it's not now. Mean enough? :)
On to happier things... Matt got word that he may still have a job up at Hill AFB, so we're holding our breath for that again, but we're just hoping something comes of it this time. Only we found out that training for this position starts in October, and its either 4 or 6 weeks long I can't remember which. And it's in Texas. SO.... the person who told Matt he may still have a place there was confident enough that Matt will get that job that he told us to hold off on school one more semester so he will be available for training. Hoping that's a good sign and doesn't mean we put off waiting for no reason? But we'll just keep on holding our breath!
Matt also got order papers from the USMC last month. I think by now everyone knows that... guess if they don't I'll hear about it haha. But anyway, they are Orders to Muster so he has to go down to Camp Williams in 2 weeks to check in. They want to see him in person, make sure he's still deployable blah blah blah all that fun stuff. We had a little scare there for a minute because we heard that Muster Orders in a TOW meant that you were probably going to get Orders to Report shortly after. But, we were corrected and heard that it can mean that, but probably doesn't and it's mostly just the Military's way of gently reminding you that they own us for the next 3 years 10 months and 20 some odd days.(You bet your government issued boots I'm counting down!) So, long story short, nothing to worry about. But since it's so far South maybe I can talk Matt into another trip to Ikea...? Probably not though :)
Anywho, right after I typed this yesterday I got a call from Matt with some awesome news! The USMC has given word to all IRR (Inactive Ready Reserves) that they will no longer get called back up because they've had so many guys enlist, and a ton re-enlist due to the economy so they are way over their normal numbers. This is good news for us! We are FREEEEEEEEE!! Made my day if you couldn't tell. More like my year....
Matt and I have been spending a lot of time with some of my old friends from high school lately. My 4 best friends were guys, and I always wondered how things would turn out after I got married and they started coming home from their missions, especially since they're all still single. In the last few months we have gone on quite a few group dates, and they have really embraced Matt and welcomed him into this tight group of friends. And I know Matt likes spending time with them as well. It sounds corny I guess, but just want to express out into the void how thankful I am for them becoming friends, too.

Matt, Me, Stacey, Al, Leeser, Brady
And lastly, I just want to say a big Thank You to everyone for wishing me Happy B-day and for all your sweet gifts! I was and am constantly spoiled to be surrounded by such great family and friends. I've especially got to say a big giant THANKS to my fantastic hubby who did such a great job at making my day special this year. He stresses so much about Birthdays and Christmas and gift buying in general, but you did such a good job Matt! Thanks for all the thought that went in to everything you did for me this year, and everything you do for me every day. You are my best friend and everything a girl could hope for in a husband. Love you muchly!
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