Camping. We got to spend some more time with the camping bunch over Labor Day weekend, and we had such a great time. Even though I got sick over night, which sparked everyone asking if we were pregnant. Don't you read my blog people??? Anyway, we still had a really great time. As you can see :)
The Nightside Project on KSL. Love these guys! Does it make me officially old if I enjoy listening to talk radio?....

All things Home Decor. hahaha. I think I am bugging Matt to death seeing as we're weeks away from getting into our house. (Did I already put on here that we close Oct 7 on our condo? If we didn't, there you go! haha.) The way I figure it, is it's better to buy all these things slowly over time so we're not forking out all this money at once, right? -Even if we are running out of room... haha. Maybe Matt does have a point.

My fab hubby, friends and fam. Thanks for putting up with me! You guys are the best!
Hmmm. What else do I love right now? That seems to be all I can think of for the moment...
Hmmm. What else do I love right now? That seems to be all I can think of for the moment...
But if I ponder up some more you'll be the first to know!
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