Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Catching up...

It has been a crazy few weeks around here, but it seems like I'm always saying that. In the last few weeks, we have had Beckett's Blessing, had tons of fun with some of our favorite out of state visitors, spent an extra long weekend in Yellowstone with some of our other favorite people, celebrated Matt's 25th birthday, and had Beckett's 2 month check up. Like I said, it's been a crazy few weeks, but I'm going to try and blog about all of it since I have about a zillion cute pictures of Beckett and as a Mom it is my duty to show them off, right? That's what I thought. Here's an update on the little man: At his 2 week appointment, Beckett weighed 6 lbs 5 oz, which was in the 5th percentile, but at his 2 month check up a few weeks ago, he weighed 11 lbs 12 oz, which is in the 55th percentile so he is doing awesome. He also finally decided that staying up all night was old news, and is now on a (fairly) more predictable schedule which includes sleeping in his crib in his room at night, and I have to say we are definitely all sleeping better. Hallelujiah! I was afraid there for a while he'd be sleeping in our room until he was 5. He still sleeps a lot better when he's in with us, but we're making great progress and he seems much happier during the days now that he's on a schedule. He makes us laugh every day with his funny faces and we live for his smiles. I just wish I could catch one on camera!

Here are all my latest attempts:

This last one is my absolute fave. His new thing is that he doesn't like to be cuddled unless he is trying to fall asleep. At all other times of day, he wants to sit up and see the world, which is why he is on my lap in this picture.


Trav kris and conley said...

he is so stinkin cute! LOVE him!!! That last pic is my fav too, although they are all adorable! It was so much fun to finally see you guys and meet him!

Audrey Seymour said...

ARGH can I adopt him?

The Phillips said...

That last one is the BEST!!! What a cutie he is!! I NEED a baby fix ;)!