Hello all. As I'm sure you all know -because I've mentioned it a billion times on here haha- we spent the last 10 days in good old Utah. It was so nice to go home, we had a great time. We almost didn't make it there though, Sierra's car decided on the 2nd half of our drive home that it didn't really want to go too much further. So we were pretty close to stranded in St George, but we pushed old Speed Racer (Matt's loving nick name he gave my car on our trip to Brad and Claire's in February) along, and babied her a bit. But we made it. We left the car with Sierra's grandpa while we went to Island Park for a few days with her family, and when we came back old Speed Racer was as good as new! PS - not long after rolling out of our parking lot to start our journey, the odometer rolled over to 340,000. (It is now at 341,767 ) We got to see lots of people from school and church and old friends we haven't seen for a while. But mostly it was nice to see our families. We got to see little Ethan, who isn't so little anymore! The last time we'd seen him, he was barely 3 months old and now he's close to a year! It was so much fun to play with him. We stayed with Matts parents and it was really nice of them to let us stay. They even took care of Rufus while we were in Island Park, so we owe them big time. What a crazy cat. From what I hear he didn't get along too well with Ashley's cat Gus who lives at Mike and Colleens. I guess Rufus just wanted to play and annoyed Gus to death. Poor Gus. At least she has her territory back now. haha.One of the most exciting things that happened while we were home, was that Matt got to do a few ride alongs with the sheriffs department, including doing one with my dad. He had such a blast that he even picked up an application. So we are now looking into the pre-law enforcement test before he can enter police academy which is in January. Wish him luck!! Matt is on cloud 9 and I'm so glad he found something that he loves. We tried to spend as much time with our friends as we could but we didn't have much time at all. Hopefully everyone understands and knows that we will be back in 3 months. In the meantime, here are some pictures of our trip. Enjoy!
Rufus is quite the little traveller. He spent all his time either looking out the window, or sleeping on Matts lap. We were impressed.
Matt? or Dwight?....

Ryann and Jace on a walk in Island Park

Cpl Phillips standing next to corporal geyser

Matt and Josh standing on a bridge in Island Park -right before Matt jumped off

Sharifa and little Ethan at the pool. I didn't mean to cut off your head Sharifa!
Rufus being naughty at Mike and Colleen's
We tried doing a session at our favorite temple, but it was closed for 2 weeks. So we went on a field trip to temple square instead

Sounds like you guys had a really good time. Sorry that we weren't able to be there too. We have a picture exactly like the last one of you post that was taken when we had been married just about six months too. Crazy- I will have to show you some time.
I love that picture of you two kssing in front of the temple. Wait.. it sounds kind of gross the way I formulated that. What i meant was it's a cute picture of you two. And it was SOOOOOO nice to see you. Can't wait for october!
It was so nice to be able to see the two of you. Steve, Ethan, and I loved spending time with you. We can't wait till you guys come back!!!!! Bye-the-way it's okay that you didn't have my face in the picture, you got the cute little boy and that's all that matters. Thanks for being such great family members and aunt and uncle. We love you and hope that all goes well for you!!!
It was really nice to see you guys and spend a little time together!! can't wait till you guys move back and we can do more things together. I love all the pictues, they are too cute!
Love Ashley
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