How Many More Days Of This?
So Matt has been gone for 3 days now. How did I do this for 8 months? Oh yeah because we had a wedding to plan and a full time job and school. I'm losing my mind!! This tells me that I need to get myself a hobby. So I am trying my hand at drawing and so far I'm sucking but its fun. So we'll see how that goes. At least I have a job or I'd have gone crazy by now. What a bummer not to have my best friend and best source of entertainment at home with me. He can always crack me up no matter what. But for now it's just me and Rufus, who has taken to pouting and moaping around the house. All he does is lay by the door, or lays on the carpet staring at the door and I know he's just waiting for Matt to come home. As I type he just jumped down from my lap and now has his back to me so he can return to his watch-cat duties. What a goob. He has been very good at watching over me at night though. Usually we put him in the living room with his bed and food for the night because if we don't he jumps up on top of the headboard of our bed -which is large!- and watches us sleep until he falls asleep. Which is adorable until he falls on your head while you're asleep. But since its just us I couldn't lock him out!!! And he's been very well behaved, which makes me happy. He knows when we're going somewhere when we're packing up and he did everything he could to prevent Matt from doing just that... here's some pics. Enjoy! :)

Tag Teaming the Blog.
Pets are the best! I know that when Cam's not around I'm glad I have my dogs to play with. Without them I think I'd go crazy too!
How long is MAtt gone?
It's time for you to redecorate your place pink and red while he's gone! that's my hobby when scott is gone redecorate everything and lose the receipts! (can't return it you know!)
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