Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Okay, so I'm probably driving everyone crazy with all these new posts. But Audrey tagged me and she won't let me slack off haha, so voila!

Here are the rules: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 facts about yourself. Tag a few people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

3 Joys
1. My Hubby
2. Our great family and friends
3. Rufus

3 Fears
1. I hate being home alone at night
3. Heights

3 goals
1. Moving into our new apartment by Christmas, with new jobs for both of us
2. Lose 10 pounds!
3. Get my butt back into school

3 obsessions/collections
1. Reading
2. The OFFICE! (hooray for season 4!)
3. Bubble baths

3 facts about me
1. I love the fall. And it's coming!
2. I am gradually learning how to be a good cook
3. I hate field ops.

I tagged: Sharifa, Claire and Ash

1 comment:

Audrey Seymour said...

For a second I though you liked working in the Kelly Office and I was like: HUH?????
But I got it now season 4! Ah Ah it must be early