Okay, so I know I just posted yesterday and I don't really have much to add at the moment... but last night I got some hilarious pics of Rufus that I had to post. Matt is usually pretty tired when he comes home Wednesdays because he has to wake up extra early to PT and by then it's halfway through the week. So Wednesdays he usually goes to bed pretty early, and he got home late from work last night so that made it worse. Which worked out pretty well because that's when Project Runway is on! Yay! (and this way Matt doesn't have to watch it) Well, last night Rufus and I were watching our show and I wasn't ready for bed yet so I decided to stay up and watch Shear Genius. Which, by the way, Rufus LOVES. I know it sounds like I'm crazy but Rufus loves to watch tv, and whenever Jaclyn Smith is on he is absolutely enthralled. I love it. So I'll stop rambling now, here are the pics... :)
Totally absorbed.
Don't touch the remote!
Uh oh I touched it. Okay so he's not yelling at me, he's mid-yawn. But it still looks funny.
Well, it has officially happened, over the weekend I turned twenty. What an experience. Now Matt is the one teasing me that I am old and boy do I feel old. I know I'm not ancient yet or anything, but I feel tired/old. For my Birthday I convinced Matt to take me to Rubys in Oceanside, which is my FAVE but he doesn't like to go down there because Oceanside is usually pretty full of Marines. So we usually stay away, but since it was my turn to choose he said it was okay. And I was way excited. We got to sit upstairs on the patio, so we got to watch the sun set while we waited for our food. It was great. Matt decided that it would be a good idea to stay a night down in San Diego this weekend to celebrate, and I couldn't argue with that! It will be a great opportunity to be tourists before we have to move away. There will lots of pictures I'm sure, so I'll be sure to post those next week. Also, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your thoughtful gifts, and to everyone who just wished me a Happy Birthday. I had a great birthday thanks to all of you, so Thanks for being so great! I love you all!
The FAB chickens my mom bought me for my kitchen. Don't you just love them?? What a hunk :)
Today when I walked out to my car after work, I noticed something marvelously spectacular. Brown and Redish starting to color the green leaves!!! Does this mean fall is coming? Or the heat has finally killed the leaves. I don't know... but I'm hoping it's the first. Fall will mean the marine layer will cling a little longer and the nights will get... chilly! SO thrilled. I think we're finally set on our plan to move home and get some school done and getting a solid plan has relieved some stress for us. So for now, we're just trying to enjoy the rest of our time in (WAY TOO) sunny California. Last weekend we had the opportunity to go to dinner with some friends Friday night. Saturday Matt and the boys went rock climbing in the morning while me and my friend Sheree went to Miramar to hit the commissary, and in the afternoon we met up with a bunch of Matt's friends on the beach for a barbecue. It was a fun weekend and really got me wishing we had taken a little better advantage of living down here. So we're going to do as much as we can with the time we've got left, and I'm sure we'll be back to visit. :) -in the winter months. haha.
Anywho. That's all for now, here's some pictures of my two boys.
Aww precious
Found a new hiding place... haha he looks surprised I found him.
So this weekend Matt and I are going to a barbeque for a birthday party for one of our friend's little girls. Her name is Madyson and she's turning 2 this week. She is SO adorable and I wanted to get her something really cute for her birthday. So in our quest to find the perfect gift, our travels took us to the Disney store in the mall, and also to some toddler-esque clothing stores. (Oh, the shame!) We had a lot of fun on our hunt, mostly it was us getting dirty looks from cashiers for playing with all the toys but you've got to test toys out before you know they're a good gift, right? So finally, when we decided to get productive, we chose a Minnie Mouse dress from the Disney store and I decided we should probably get some little leggings to go with it because it was short and 2 year olds don't know what lady like is. :) After we left the store with the dress, we hit 3 or 4 clothes stores looking for a pair of cute leggings in a toddler size. And HOLY COW! Has anyone visited the little girl section lately?? In the first store Matt and I found ourselves wondering why a 7 year old would need a padded bra? And left the store thinking those people were a bunch of crazies, thanking our lucky stars there were less kid-hoochie places to shop. So the next store we visited, what did we find but Britney Spears mini skirts paired with belly shirts. WHAT? And the trend just went on and on until we realized it wasn't the store we were in. It is everywhere, and it's spreading like the plague! I mean, I knew it was bad, I love to shop for my sister, who is ten. So I know how frustrating it can be to find them decent non-sexualized clothing. Are you CRAZY, PEOPLE??? I heard on a radio show a few weeks ago that some agency or another suspects most kids these days have their first sexual experience at age eleven. ELEVEN!!! My baby sister is ten and there is NO way. For my sanity's sake and for the sake of all children everywhere I hope that is not true. But I grew up in a small town and I remember what school was like. And it only continues to get worse and worse and worse. We were both pretty close to keeling over, so I thought I could use a little venting. On a lighter note... here is a picture of Rufus getting himself stuck in warm laundry baskets. Who luckily, will never be little girl who we will have to stress about dressing. :)
Sorry if you aren't a fan of the tunes, I've been on a big Eighties kick lately. So if you don't quite enjoy this song, you can always scroll down and listen to something else. But that would be a shame. Anywho, moving right along... So right now I am working a part time job for the Kelly office, which I think I put on here before. I'm working 2 days a week in a law office and I'm loving every second of it. The work is really challenging (yesterday I formed a corporation all by myself!! are you proud?) but I'm learning lots and really enjoying my time there. Matt is finishing up his remaning days in the Corps... I think he said only 64 left as of yesterday? And we're both really excited about that. After his active duty enlistment, he'll be on inactive reserves for 4 years but we're both hoping nothing comes of that. Last week, since Matt had duty on Sunday (a 24 hr shift) he got Monday off, and we decided to go play since I had Monday off as well. So, it was Matts idea to go down to Sea Port Village, and of course I'm going to agree that's one of my FAVE places to spend the day in San Diego. So we had a tourist moment and strolled around Sea Port village, saw some mimes, and had the yummiest burgers San Diego has to offer. It was a fun day. We are both really excited to move away from Southern California, but we will miss it too. Especially all of our many adventures in this crazy place. But we are excited for the new adventures we will have somewhere else. 63 days and counting! PS- Has anyone out there read Breaking Dawn yet??
A ginormous sculpture down in Sea Port village -to give you an idea of how big, that's the USS Midway next to it.