Now that the beans are spilled and I'm slowly but surely starting to feel like good again, I will try to post more. Hope everyone is doing well!
Here's a pic of all the boys after Matt and Steve were bruised enough they decided to quit the slip and slide for the day. haha. I love seeing my hubbs be such a big kid. He LOVES kids, and that is one of the biggest things I love about him. He never hesitates to get down and play with the kiddos and doesn't stop until he has to. And it's not that he says "Okay, I'll play" he looks forward to it. He loves it. and he doesn't want to quit. Babe, even though sometimes I give you crap, I LOVE that you are so fun and playful and such a kid at heart. Never change. You will be such a great dad one day. Love you!
Over Memorial Day, Matt suggested we go to Bear Lake for the day, for a fun drive and some yummy lunch and fun. I tried to tell him it would be cold still, and it was! But the view was awesome, and lunch was delish as always. It was a great day trip.
Here are a few pics from Miss Daisy's blessing day, since no post would be complete without photos of some of our cute nieces and nephews
Isn't he such a cute Uncle? Love you babe!